Picture books are an excellent gateway for beginners to learn the Korean language and culture. Words are easy but poetic. Messages are simple but profound. Without much linguistic burden, readers can also encounter a wealth of vocabularies, metaphors, symbols, and literary expressions that are difficult to find in spoken languages. Compared with K-pop, K-drama, and K-films, not much attention has been given to K-picture books. There are some of the world’s best picture book authors who won numerous international awards. These are my first recommendations for ㅊㅊㅊ young adults worldwide.
『Moon Sherbet (달 샤베트)』
by Heena Baek (백희나)
On a hot summer night, all sleepless neighbors close their windows and turn on the air-conditioners and electric fans. They hear something dripping. It is the moon melt from the sky. Then there’s a sudden blackout. A wise grandma wolf starts to do something brilliant to cool off and light up the apartment. Neighbors help each other and finally get the moon back.
Heena Baek is the 2020 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award Laureate. Hand-crafted miniature figurines and background settings with meticulous details are her signatures. You can enjoy the fantasy world of Heena Baek while thinking about our planet Earth.
Other recommendations
I am a dog (나는 개다)
Magic Candies (알사탕)
The Bath Fairy (장수탕 선녀님)
Authors homepage
#picturebook #fantasy #rabbits_onthemoon_myth #Lindgren_award
『River (강이)』
by Suzy Lee (이수지)
River is a dog who once abandoned but adopted and loved by a family. This book traces the life of River like a diary. With just brisk black and white sketches, Suzy Lee creates nostalgic memories of a family dog and helps us fully understand the characters’ emotions. Blank margins and restrained words leave readers a lot to imagine and think.
Suzy Lee was the first Korean writer who short-listed for Hans Christian Andersen Awards. Try to read her new book, Dream of becoming water, worked with Korean singer-songwriter, Lucid Fall.
Other recommendations
Wave (파도야 놀자)
Lines (선)
Dream of becoming water (물이 되는 꿈)
Authors homepage
『Grandma Flora (꽃할머니)』
by Yoonduck Kwon
If you want to learn Korean modern history, Yoonduck Kwon’s picture books are good starting points. Based on extensive research and in-depth interviews, she depicts people’s lives during and after tragic historical moments. Grama Flora is a story about a victim of sexual slavery during the Pacific War. This book tells not only past suffering but also peace, humanity, and solidarity. Inspired by Buddhist paintings and traditional Korean folk paintings, her style is distinctively unique.
Other recommendations
Manhee’s House (만희네 집)
Tools and Work (일과 도구)
Wooden Seal (나무 도장)
Sixteen (씩스틴)
Authors homepage
#picturebook #comfortwomen #PacificWar #history #criticism_of_Imperialism
Yumi Joung made her name known in film animation, Dust Kid, which the director, Chan-wook Park, spoke very highly of. Yumi Jung has grabbed the Bologna Ragazzi Award in a row for Dust Kid in 2014 and My Little Doll’s House in 2015. My little Doll’s House is a story of a girl hidden in a small world for lack of confidence and fear of imperfectness. While playing with her doll, she discovers herself and takes a cautious but courageous step for change. It’s a picture book for teens and adults with 156 pages.
Other recommendations
Dust Kid (먼지 아이)
Love Games (연애놀이)
Authors homepage
#picturebook #Cannefilmfestival #psychology_of_teens
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흥이 나고 신이 나서, 여러분이 좋아할만한 책을 알아봐줍니다.
ㅊㅊㅊ에 실린 글의 저작권은 글쓴이에게, 이미지의 저작권은 창작자에게 있습니다.
모든 저작물은 비상업적 목적으로 다운로드, 인쇄, 복사, 공유, 수정, 변경할 수 있지만, 반드시 출처(bookteen.net)를 밝혀야 합니다. (CC BY-NC-SA)
흥이 나고 신이 나서, 여러분이 좋아할만한 책을 알아봐줍니다.
ㅊㅊㅊ에 실린 글의 저작권은 글쓴이에게, 이미지의 저작권은 창작자에게 있습니다.
모든 저작물은 비상업적 목적으로 다운로드, 인쇄, 복사, 공유, 수정, 변경할 수 있지만, 반드시 출처(bookteen.net)를 밝혀야 합니다. (CC BY-NC-SA)